








2021.7-至今          华南师范大学汕尾校区教师

2020.9-2021.4      河北金融学院教师

2015.9-2020.1      北京科技大学企业管理专业,博士

2003.7-2014.5      中国有色金属建设股份有限公司薪酬福利主管

2000.9-2003.7      中国社会科学院研究生院企业管理专业,硕士

1998.7-2000.8      青岛邮电疗养院财务处

1994.9-1998.7      青岛大学国际企业管理专业,本科



 Feng Sun, Cheng Liu and Xiaoguang Zhou. Utilities tunnel's finance design for the process of construction and operation, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2017, 69: 182-186. (SCI检索)

Feng Sun, Cheng Liu and Xiaoguang Zhou. Analysis of industry risk premium with MVS three dimensions vector factor model, Cogent Economics & Finance, 2017, 5(1): 1374814. (ESCI检索)

Feng Sun, Cheng Liu and Xiaoguang Zhou. International experiences for public engineering project PPP finance mode:Inspiration to public engineering project finance in China, 2018 International Conference on Power,Energy and Materials Engineering, 314-319.

Feng Sun, Cheng Liu and Xiaoguang Zhou. Construction and operation for utilities tunnel public project in China: An analysis based on G-S interactive finance framework, 2019 International Conference on Water Resource and Environmental Engineering, E3S Web of Conferences 117, 00019. (EI检索)

Feng Sun, Cheng Liu and Xiangdong Liu. “Informational Cycle Cascade” Space Distribution Analyzed with Engineering Finite Element Technology: Based on 2D Coupling Turbulence Model of Investor Sentiment for Industry, 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computer and Communications, 1839-1843. (EI检索)

